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Friday, January 13, 2012

Unexpected display of view after using Columns Displayed with list applet [ID 1203723.1]

When using the standard Columns Displayed menu item to add a new column to a list applet, on saving the view was redisplayed incorrectly with just a grey page and to redisplay the view correctly the user has to navigate away to a different screen and then return to the view.
This was a custom view.
It has been found that the unexpected behavior was related to the name of the view that the list applet is displayed. The name of the view contained a long hyphen character. When the long hyphen character was removed from the view name the unexpected behavior was resolved.
It is recommended that you should not use a long hyphen character (or any other "special" ascii characters) in the name of any of your custom views.Please see the following bookshelf reference:Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Overview of Configuring Siebel Applications > About Configuring Siebel Applications > Guidelines for Naming ObjectsIn general when naming the views it is advised to use similar naming convention to the standard objects including alpha-numeric characters and a limited number of other characters such as space, open and close brackets, underscore and the regular hyphen character.Using other characters such as accented characters and other symbol characters could cause unexpected behavior.

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