1) Does the sequence of SSA DeDuplication Field * in the User Properties of Business Component 'Contact' plays any role in giving stronger emphasis to one field over the other one ?
A: The number itself has no impact on the weight or importance of the fields in calculating the matching score, just need to make sure that the field# is consecutive and there is no gap.
2) If we plan not to include some of the SSA DeDuplication Fields in the matching process,after inactivating them, do we have to remove them from Contact Contact Matching Field * and Contact Contact_INS Personal Address Matching Field * in User Properties of Business Service ' UCM Data Quality Manager' ?
A: Yes, when the dedup fields are inactivated, make sure that the corresponding SSA DeDuplication Fields# for the active fields are modified accordingly to make sure there is no gap.
3) Does the Real Time DeDuplication that detects the possible duplicates at the base table level uses SSA settings at the Business Service level 'DeDuplication' or uses SSA settings at the UI level under Data Quality Settings ?
A: It uses SSA settings from DQ Admin level though most of the properties don’t overlap
4) For matching there are Key Type and Search Type. How does it determine which Match Level (Narrow, Typical or Conservative) to use for matching on the base table records ?
A: Data Quality Mgr business service has the following user prop
SSA Default Universal Setting Key Type
SSA Default Universal Setting Match Level
SSA Default Universal Setting Search Type
Please note for Key Type and Search Type, the settings in DQ Admin overwrites the setting defined at BS user property.
If no key type or search type defined under DQ Admin, the default value defined as BS user property is used.
The SDQ does not enable user to set Match level from DQ Admin. It will use the setting defined as BS user property.
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