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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Siebel 8.0 New Features

1) Administration Application
Responsibility related new views o Task o Business Service o Business Process (WF) o Layout view for Tab Layout of screen/view
2) Enhanced Audit Trail engine: o Now available for all Bus Comp -- v/s -- CSSBCBase only o Enabled and Configured thru "Administration - Audit Trail" screen v/s Tools BusService o Now auditing is available when record is Read, Exported (it will list Row Id with total record count), Updated, Deleted -- v/s -- only Update and Delete in 7.8 o Result can be monitor in "Audit Trail" screen (Use PDQ) v/s custom view in previous version o Displays Record modified by any User or Business Service/Process o Can be activated against Bus Comp field, User, Position, Responsibility, Child Bus Comp o Now OOTB Auditing available without SRF compile (requires Update Audit Cache) o Can be impose Audit Trail rules on Siebel Remote as well
3) Security Adapter Authentication: o LDAP as a Single Security adapter for both LDAP and ADSI o LDAP integration supported for all Unix and Windows v/s Windows only o Administrator can create users directly in Siebel and replicate in ADSI/LDAP o Now Authentication is done thru Web Service call
4) Data Encryption: o Supports individual fields using standard AES or RC2 o Each encrypted fields impacts on performance o Encrypted field is searchable v/s cannot search in 7.8
5) Tools enhancement o Database File type can be DBF or BCP o New database extract parameter "DataFileType" - BCP extension minimize the data size result in faster initialize and download time o Applet and Bus Comp User Prop available as pick list (reduces time to find syntax and no more hidden prop) o Expression builder for search spec, sort spec, value for user prop o Allows display of a custom message when BC field's validation property is violated (works with property Message Display Mode) o New Radio Button as applet control (uses value from bounded LOV) o New Applet child object -- Applet Message - used to create a message with dynamic message content (BC field can be use as parameter %1 %2), Message control can be place on Applet with Field Type = "Message" o Multiple tab for easy back-forth o Multiple editor can be open simultaneously so you can copy from one tab to another tab (especially for WF, Task UI, Applet Control) o Tab can be tile vertically/horizontally o Tab can be drag to another position 2 o WF connector automatically drawn with right angles o WF editor with Multi Value Property Window (MVPW) o Separate toolbar for WF Simulator o Ability to publish/activate a WF with one click eliminates need to explicitly activation in the client o Multiple WF can be activated simultaneously (select all and click on activate)
6) Scripting o Enable ST engine thru Client
Administration - Application
System Preference
Enable ST Engine = TRUE  Supports Type and Type less variables  Typed declaration allows compile to detect type any mismatch earlier
var gName = "Hello"; (example of type less)
var gName : chars = "Hello" ; (example of typed) o Script Assist feature
Enable thru Tools
Script Assist (Note: ST engine must be enable to set this feature)
Assist feature lists Method, Field Name, etc (FYI, it reads from current Repository)
Tools Tip gives description of type, method, argument, etc
Currently Used method/library comes up as favorite and appears on top of the listing (session based favorite) o Fix and Go -
Allows quick fixing script during Tools debug mode testing (no need to compile and close browser, repeat as necessary... cool thing)
Enable thru Tools
Fix and Go o One New Bus Comp Method Added
GetSortSpec o Watch Window displays the variable value in debug mode
7) Server Specific o File System
Multiple directories for Siebel File System - helps improve performance o Update Server
The Siebel Update Server provides a centralized location for managing and performing Siebel software updates and patches
Administrator may select client machines and schedule updates for them (push method)
Clients may check for updates and download them when it is convenient (pull method)
8) Task Based UI o Uses a wizard-like interface to guide users through steps in a task o Extends business process automation to the UI layer o Uses new sets of Transient type of Bus Comps (table S_TU_LOG) and all the data entered during a task is initially stored in temporary storage managed by the Object Manager o Does not support joins or MVG fields o Bus Comp based on the special class CSSBCTaskTransient 3 o Supports forward and backward navigation through a sequence of views o Supports branching based on user input o Supports pausing and resuming tasks if users are interrupted o Supports transfer of paused tasks to other users o Click the “Task” button on tool bar to expose the Task pane o A set of navigation buttons located above and/or below the applets known as “Play bar Applet” o Click Pause to suspend task activity
All data and context is retained and a link to the paused task is added to the user’s inbox so user can resume the task o Navigating outside the task view implicitly pauses a task
For example clicking a screen tab or the site map button o Upon Submitting the task, Task view is closed and the previous standard view is displayed o A workflow process can invoke a task OR a task can even invoke a workflow o Responsibility can be associated to the Task o Another alternate of Smart Script (but no radio button in Smart Script)
9) Haley Rule Engine o Is a separate third-party application used to examine and develop Siebel business rules o Provides the ability for companies to create and enforce rules that capture their business policies o Rules are expressed in “natural English” rather than a script or SQL statements o Is accessed by calling the Business Rules Service business service o Uses client-side configuration rather than repository-based configuration and compilation o Allows rules to be created, updated, and deployed during run time o Can be invoked using: i. An action set in a run-time event ii. A business service step in a Siebel workflow or task iii. A business service call in a script o Deploy thru Haley Tools
Siebel Deployment
Provide client CFG file o Administrator Deployed Rules via
Site Map
Administration – Business Rules screen o Examples of Uses of Siebel Business Rules i. Perform validation of data ii. Provide default values for fields in records iii. Provide default child records iv. Update records v. Implement dynamic read-only/required behavior vi. Compute values of parameters to be used in decision steps in workflow process and UI tasks vii. Perform business calculations
10) Application Deployment Manager o Is designed to provide an extensible facility for quick, reproducible deployment of a wide range of customizations i. Includes support for many data types ii. Supports deployments ranging from a small patch with only a handful of application modifications to a major release with a new SRF file iii. Allows creation of reusable deployment packages that can be applied to multiple target enterprises 4 o ADM has been significantly enhanced in Siebel 8.0 i. Support deployment of many data types unavailable in earlier versions ii. Improve deployment performance iii. New methods for exporting and packaging data for deployment o Application Deployment Manager (ADM) recognizes areas of application customizations: i. Database customizations, Examples: 1. Lists of Values (LOVs) 2. User Lists 3. Assignment Rules 4. Access Groups 5. And many other data types ii. Repository customizations made in Siebel Tools iii. File customizations, Examples: 1. Web Template files (.SWT) 2. Image and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files 3. Siebel Repository file (.SRF) 4. Reports files o New ADM architecture i. The three major parts of the ADM architecture are the: 1. Source enterprise 2. Orchestration environment (Is a system used to execute ADM deployment). It includes, a. The Siebel Management Server b. A database containing records on all deployments and data types contained in ADM packages c. An ADM command line interface (CLI) d. An ADM registry file e. A target enterprise profile file, which describes the target environment and deployment steps 3. Destination enterprise(s) (Can be multiple targets) o Export Database Customizations using Site map
Application Deployment Manager screen (create deployment project, enable it, select object type, provide search spec, if needed add child object, create session and export as file and path) o Export Repository Customizations i. Use Siebel Tools to export repository customizations ii. Files created during export include: 1. A .SIF file containing the changes 2. A deployment descriptor file (XML) 3. A log file of export steps and status iii. Tools offers two methods for exporting customizations: 1. Hot fix – typically a small set of hand-selected modifications 2. Mid-level release – repository changes after a specified cutoff date (List of objects may be edited after it is generated) o ADM Packages (it is directory structure) and Packager Utility (runs as CLI) o All data can be restore back to the original (because auto backup is performed before copy)

Siebel 8.1: Top 8 Reasons to Upgrade

List of the top 8 reasons to upgrade to Siebel 8.1:

1. Task Based UI: To help users accomplish tasks, previous versions of Siebel offered SmartScripts and iHelp, but neither were particularly intuitive or helpful. Task Based UI (user interface), however, provides a hands-on experience that guides users through each required screen. Furthermore, these screens are relatively easy to build, can offer pre-populated fields, and branch in different directions, depending on answers. As a result, this feature is particularly well-suited for complex or infrequently used sales or customer service business processes, to reduce training requirements and learning curves.

2. Templates: Pre-populate almost any entity — including accounts and activities — in Siebel and save it as a template, so users can easily launch them later. With customer service, for example, create service request entities for specific situations, to be used by a particular user or shared between all users, to save time and reduce error rates.

3. Lead entity (aka lead management): Previously, opportunities in Siebel were part of the main sales cycle — sales moved an opportunity from quote to order — and campaigns were only part of the marketing function. What was missing was a bridge between marketing and sales. The new lead entity fills that gap. Now, upload leads from external sources and let users create leads. Siebel also facilitates true lead management and qualification, meaning that a sales user can accept a lead, or reject it, which kicks it back to a lead pool managed by marketing. All in all, this is extremely useful.

4. CRM Desktop: Siebel gains a true interface to Microsoft Outlook, replacing previous, limited attempts to integrate Siebel directly with the Outlook client, or the overly complex and time-consuming Siebel Server Sync Exchange (SSSE). CRM Desktop provides true, two-way synchronization of entities that exist both in Outlook and Siebel — contacts, to-dos, and calendar items. But you can also view and create any Siebel entities in Outlook, and make them follow identical account and opportunity rules. For example, create a Siebel account in Outlook, or create and view Siebel opportunities in Outlook. Furthermore, the underlying configuration and setup is relatively easy. Finally, this meets the needs of our Siebel customers requesting “real” Outlook synchronization.

5. Search: Takes a big leap forward in Siebel 8.1, which gains brand-new search functionality, backed by a dedicated indexing database. As a result, searching is much faster. For the first time, search queries need not be case-sensitive, and you can search all Siebel entities at once, as well as external sources, such as a separate products database, or a SharePoint database. Finally, the search results get a Google-style makeover, including a hyperlink to the data, as well as a preview.

6. Territory management: Formerly known as Assignment Manager, territory management got a big upgrade with Siebel 8.0, and with 8.1 it’s been further tweaked with better functionality and capabilities for refining territories and assigning them to salespeople. For example, you can run territory management in a trial mode to show business users what the results of using different territory configurations would be.

7. Performance upgrades: On the technical side of Siebel 8.1, overall performance — including search — has improved substantially. Under the hood, this involved numerous technical changes that make the application run faster. At the same time, Oracle also made a number of enhancements to speed up productivity when using the Siebel Tools.

8. UI and functional enhancements: With Siebel 8.0, Oracle cleaned up the UI, making it look a bit nicer, and added new applications — dubbed Widgets — that run outside Siebel. One example is Mobile Sales Assistant, which makes specific Siebel functionality available via a desktop widget. With 8.0, Oracle also added a new business rules engine, which moves validation and business rules from the Siebel business layer to the administration layer. As a result, you can write business rules using more of a business language, which makes for easier and quicker configuration and rollout of business rules.